Malachi 2

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A Call to Repentance



  1. God is not pleased when His people are ignorant of His word.

  2. God is not pleased when His people do not separate from this world.

  3. God is not pleased when His people are unfaithful in their marriages.


  1. How blind can you be?


  1. What is the theme of Malachi?

  2. When was Malachi written?

  3. Why did God raise up the prophet Malachi at this time?

  4. Refer to Malachi Chapter 1. Why were the people rebuked by God?

  5. Refer to Malachi Chapter 2. What were the other areas of rebuke?


  1. Backsliding rebuked.

  2. At the end of the Old Testament period.

  3. When Nehemiah came back to Jerusalem in 445 B.C., he motivated the people to rebuild the city wall, and at that time there had been a great revival. But after some time, Nehemiah had to return to Persia for a couple of years. it may have been during this time that the backslidden state of Israel, described by Malachi, came about. God raised up Malachi to rebuke the people because of their backsliding.

  4. The people were rebuked for bring defective sacrifices to the Lord, and for despising God's way of worship.

  5. The failure of the priests to instruct the people in the law of the Lord; the sin of intermarriage with the surrounding pagan peoples; and the problem of divorce, which the Lord hated.


  1. Read Malachi 2:1-9. The priests were rebuked for failing to teach and instruct God’s people in the law (See Deuteronomy 33:10). The Levites of Malachi’s day dishonored God by not fulfilling their responsibilities, and therefore they would not be blessed.  Servants of the Lord today also have a responsibility to teach the word and instruct God’s people in the ways of the Lord. Many of those with this responsibility are not doing their job. What do you see as your responsibility here?

  2. In Malachi’s day, there was a problem of intermarriage between the people of God and pagans of the surrounding foreign nations. was a serious sin (Deuteronomy 7:3-4) because God’s people were no longer separate from this world. The same is true today when believers live a worldly lifestyle. Are you living a life pleasing to God or are you catering to a worldly lifestyle?


  1. The men in Malachi’s day were divorcing their wives so that they could marry younger women or pagan women. This was wrong. God hates divorce – both then and today. God loves to see Christian families where children are raised to love and serve the Lord. Be a great Christian example in this area!

  2. The people of Malachi’s day were saying that God was not just because evil people were getting away with wrong doing. God was getting weary of this kind of talk. They were desensitized to their own sins. Is it possible that you are questioning God and wondering why He is not blessing your life? Have you examined your life in light of Scripture?


  • “You cover the altar of the Lord with tears, with weeping and crying…” Malachi 2:13

  • “God hates divorce." Malachi 2:16

  • “You have wearied the Lord with your words…by saying, Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord.” Malachi 2:17